Hillary 2016 <br> Papel Picado Banner<br> 20% donated to the Hillary Campaign <br>SOLDOUT

Hillary 2016
Papel Picado Banner
20% donated to the Hillary Campaign

Hillary 2016
Papel Picado Banner
20% donated to the Hillary Campaign
Item# cb2725-PHIL
This item is currently out of stock!
Hillary Clinton 2016 Papel Picado Banner
13 ft long- Ten sheets (9" x 14")
FAIR TRADE by Paper Cutter Artisans.
Hecho en Mexico
Colors: Red, White & Blue
5 Repeating Designs : 1.Campaign Logo 2.Hillary 2016 3."A Woman's Place is in the House" w/ White House 4. "La Hillary 2016 5."El Lugar de la Mujer es en la Casa" w/ Campaign Logo.
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